It was a risk for these women to step into the public sphere, which is traditionally a man's role.
Today I honor the five brave, open-hearted women who risked sharing their personal stories, inner-thoughts, and hopes with me—an outsider to their village. Misimans are typically a very shy and private people. However, these Misiman women broke through international walls of seclusion in order to let us experience life in their shoes. It was my distinct honor to walk behind them with my film camera as they blazed new trails for themselves, their fellow village women, and their daughters.
Upon posting a tribute to them on Facebook, I received many comments of support and acknowledgments for and on behalf of these standout women. Here are two comments that touched me the most.
Aina Davis writes:
Wow this great! Thanks for honoring our women back home and including their stories in your upcoming documentary film... Like many other women in PNG remote areas, Misiman women live their traditional lifestyle without knowing and realizing their importance in their communities. I believe your film will facilitate the voice of our rural women and recognize the significance of the roles they play in society.
Ishmael Tonga Ealedona writes:
Let us hope the documentary/movie you are working on will expose and highlight our simplistic nature of our standard of living back home, especially our hard working mothers who tirelessly labour for our household needs and the community as a whole. An anthropological view of your commentaries in relation to Misiman society pre/post mining operations together with the cash economy aspects of influences by the presence of mining operations surely will create a huge difference. Ateu owa, taliu!!
It was a risk for these women to step into the public sphere, which is traditionally a man's role, and share their stories and opinions on camera. In my book, that is the definition of an International Woman.
If you'd like to support the film Misima, the easiest thing you can do is share this link to help other’s learn about the film.
If you can donate, the International Documentary Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has fiscally sponsored our project. So all donations are tax-deductible.
Ateu owa, which means "My heart to you" in the spoken language of Panamisima.
Bryan Pitcher, Director & Producer